Tuesday, December 9, 2008


This post comes a little late, but I have been meaning to write this for a while now. I was saving it for a statement or a phrase that could express all that I personally wanted through this post.

Abhishek Kapoor, the director of the movie Rock on quotes on the Rock On CD cover, 'You are only as good as the people you work with, and I am truly privileged'. This statement resonates what I have felt over the year and often shared with my students.

This post is a way of expressing my gratitude towards all my friends, colleagues and of course clients, who have trusted me and bared their souls to me. It's often been surprising how people share the most intimate of their lives, concerns and even vulnerabilities. It takes a lot to share with another human being, the things you may not accept about your own self. Thank you for trusting me and giving me a chance to share your lives.

A lot of what I am comes from the interactions I've had with people. Each very subtly defines me and has managed to influence the way I think and the way I am .

So thank you for being a part of my life and influencing it.